We are all feeling disrupted, inconvenienced and tempted to fall into fear. This pandemic has scattered our lives similarly to the early believers, who were forced to leave their homes because of persecution.
Philip was one of the early believers scattered. In Acts 8:5-8, we see Philip’s response as he is forced to move. His example highlights three ways we can approach and redeem this crazy event.
1. Philip’s heart and mind were filled with truth.
We need to get our hearts and minds set as well. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7. Focus on who we know God to be and the promise of his sovereign, good presence with us at all times.
2. Philip shared the truth he was filled with. God had filled him with peace and love and the hope that comes from serving God. He shared that wherever he was “scattered”.
Likewise, we can bless those we come in (appropriate social distance) contact with by sharing hope and passing on facts not fears.
3. Philip backed up his words with actions. “When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed,” Acts 8:6
Ask God to open your eyes to needs around you that you can meet. Maybe you can call your elderly neighbor and visit with them. Maybe you HAVE toilet paper and you can share! Can you bring a meal to someone or help you neighbor watch their kids so they can work? Ask God to give you creative inspiration. Let’s brainstorm together and be the “hands and feet of Jesus”
In the end, we see that Philip being “scattered” brought great joy in that city. Persecution is never a blessing, and neither is illness in and of itself. But in God’s redemptive hands, things are turned upside down and what was meant for our harm is turned into long term good.
God has placed you right where he intended for this moment. He has good works prepared for you to do and has equipped you for those works. Let’s follow Philip’s servant example. Set your heart and mind, share hope and truth, and use your [sanitized hands] and feet!
Post your “scattered to serve” ideas in the comments – Let’s spur each other on for His glory!